To advance the quality of Danish research, DFF offers funding for research projects within a budgetary framework of up to DKK 2,200,000, excluding overhead/administration expenses. A DFF-Research Project1 is characterised by having a clear and well-defined research question, where the research activities are expected to be of a high, international level of quality. The duration of a DFF-Research Project1 is typically 3 years, but it is possible to apply for a project of up to 4 years’ duration if the project includes one or more PhD student(s).
Applicant requirements
You must possess independent research experience typically corresponding to 3 years or more after having obtained a PhD degree (or similar qualifications). Your previous results will be assessed in relation to your career path, and in relation to the scientific challenges of the applied-for project. If you, as the applicant, are not an associate professor and have not been awarded a positive associate professor assessment (“lektorbedømmelse”) and the project involves the education of researchers, you must account for how the relevant supervision will be provided, and how the research student’s scientific association to the project will be ensured.
DFF - FTP Research Project 1
Deadline - 17th of April, 2024
Amount - 2.2 mio DKK excl. overhead for up to 3 years
Phone: | +45 7231 8200 |
Email: | DFF-opslag@ufm.dk |
Webpage: | DFF Call 2021 |