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Gender Equality Committee

The Gender Equality Committee at the Faculty of Science

The Gender Equality Committee at the Faculty of Science is a committee appointed by the Executive Board of the university.

The committee holds at least two meetings per year and draws up an annual gender equality report featuring relevant statistics on the gender distribution in assessment committees, faculty committees, employments and retirements, applicants etc.

Gender Equality Strategy

The Faculty of Science wants to ensure gender equality, i.e. equal opportunities and equal conditions for men and women among its scientific staff. Since gender imbalance increases with each step of the career ladder, the management group at the Faculty of Science has found it necessary to establish a gender equality strategy.

The action plan from the faculty's gender equality report, which was formulated by the Gender Equality Committee, 2022 constitutes the faculty's gender equality strategy for 2022-2023.



Suba S. Lindholm

Read more about the Gender Equality Committee on SDUnet

Faculty of Science University of Southern Denmark

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Phone: +45 6550 2099

Last Updated 28.11.2024