LabSTEM+ continues the LabSTEM project for a three-year period starting from January 1, 2023, with the aim of working towards higher quality education in mathematics and science in the upper grades of primary school and in secondary and vocational education.
LabSTEM+ is a three-year project that started on January 1, 2023. It builds on the valuable results of LabSTEM (2020-2022). Both projects are supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Region of Southern Denmark, and they are based on the Laboratory Model – hence the name; 'Lab' combined with 'STEM' (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), which is the focal point of the project.
LabSTEM+ works towards
- Developing higher quality education in mathematics and science in the upper grades of primary school and in secondary and vocational education
- Expanding the geographical reach of the laboratories to a national scale, building the LabSTEM network to facilitate knowledge and experience exchange both nationally and internationally with partners such as Naturfagsakademiet (Science Academy) (NAFA), Danish Science Education Research Association (DASERA), Nationalt Center for Udvikling af Matematikundervisning (the National Center for the Development of Mathematics Education) (NCUM) and Stanford University, USA
- Conducting robust research efforts in STEM education with a focus on mathematics, developing senior and junior researchers within the LabSTEM+ project group, and establishing a leading national research role based at the University of Southern Denmark.
Target Groups
The primary target group for the project is teachers, and the secondary target groups include teacher educators, students, other professionals, school leaders, and researchers.
The Project's primary activities are
- Establishing 10 LabSTEM laboratories in the Region of Southern Denmark and the Central Denmark Region, involving 50 teachers and focusing on mathematics within STEM
- Establishing a national STEM research network.
Do you want to join?
Do you teach mathematics or science at a high school and want to help develop real-world and engaging STEM teaching modules for your class?
We offer:
- The opportunity to participate in an innovative project that enhances STEM education in Denmark
- Collaboration with experienced teaching and subject experts
- The chance to share your knowledge and experience with a community of dedicated educators
- Compensation for your participation
We need:
- 3-5 teachers from the same school
- 20-25 hours of work per teacher, spread over a semester
If you and your colleagues are interested in being part of LabSTEM+, please contact project leader Dorte Moeskær Larsen for more information.