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Mohammed Suleiman


This research will help the TB programme planners in Khartoum State to analyse the change in the epidemiological pattern of TB in the state and to identify both the challenges and needs of the programme and the community perception for tuberculosis. This study has a potential to improve and help Khartoum state to achieve its targeted global goals of a 70% smear positive case detection rate, and 85% treatment success rate.


To study TB prevalence, risk factors and population awareness as well as the quality of the TB control programme in Khartoum state, Sudan.


A descriptive cross-sectional study design will be used to carry out the TB prevalence survey. A case-control study design will be used for determining the TB socioeconomic and demographic risk factors and awareness among Khartoum state population. A descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective design was used to assess the TB control programme.

The study population will be Khartoum state primary-school children for the TB prevalence survey. Newly smear-positive TB patients, registered in the TB microscopic unit in Khartoum state in the period from January to June 2009, their families and neighbors will form the study population of the risk factor and awareness survey. Tuberculosis control departments (n=42) are the study population of the assessment the TB control program.

The survey to determine TB prevalence has a sample size of 1980 primary-school children. A stratified multi-stage design will be used in selecting the sample population. For the study on TB, socioeconomic and demographic risk factors and perceptions all new smear positive TB cases diagnosed in the TB microscopic units in Khartoum state in the period from January to June 2009, and their families will be the cases, and for each case, two controls will be chosen from their neighbors. The sample size will be 422 patients and their families and 844 controls and their families. For the assessment of the program at central and health facility levels no sampling procedures or techniques were used because all tuberculosis control units were studied.

Tuberculin skin test (TST) will be used to collect the prevalence data. The data for the TB risk factors and TB KAP survey will be gathered via face-to-face household interviews by trained social workers. The data for the assessment of the TB control program will be collected by using two main mechanisms: records review and group interviews.


Ahmed Suleiman MM, Aro AR, Sodemann M. Evaluation of Tuberculosis control programme in Khartoum state for the year 2006, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2009; 37(1):101- 108.

Supervisors: Arja R. Aro, SDU; Morten Sodemann, SDU
Project supervisor in Khartoum: Dr Asma El Sony (MD), 2nd Medical Institute Moscow, (DTCD) Cardiff University UK, (PhD) Oslo University, Epidemiological lab director in Sudan and President of International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUALTD).
Timeframe: October 1st , 2009-April 30th , 2012
External funding: Government of Khartoum locality, Sudan

PhD defense was on 7 October 2013 at Campus Esbjerg, University of Southern Denmark

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Last Updated 13.08.2024