Project Aim
The aim of this study is to investigate how homebased treatment using videoconferencing is perceived and experienced by providers and adult outpatients in the mental health services in the Region of Southern Denmark.
In the mental health services of the Region of Southern Denmark, clinical videoconferencing or telepsychiatric homebased treatment has been introduced on a trial basis for outpatient users since the beginning of 2015. Studies from other countries show that clinical videoconferencing is as effective as in-person treatment in relation to clinical outcome, and patients and providers are in general satisfied with the modality. However, there is a need for further study into how the modality is perceived in a Danish context, as well as for whom it is recommended and how best to use it. The findings of the study will contribute to our knowledge on homebased telepsychiatry and be used in the development of guidelines on how to use the modality and hence improve the treatment quality of mental health patients.
Main research questions
To investigate which cultural practices exist in clinical videoconferencing, how patients and providers manage communication, and how the relationship between them takes place
To examine what characterizes patients who choose clinical videoconferencing compared with those who do not and explore special traits or circumstances where clinical videoconferencing is particularly helpful or the opposite
To explore patients’ and providers’ reflections towards engaging in clinical videoconferencing, what they think of the modality, and what their experiences are.
The method of the study consists of two parts. The first is an observational study of counselling sessions where videoconference is used. The other part is in-depth interviews with adult outpatients and providers familiar with clinical videoconferencing, as well as outpatients who declined consultations via videoconferencing. The methodology is based on Grounded Theory.
Pernille Tanggard Andersen, Professor, SDU, Department of Public Health (IST), Unit for Health Promotion Research
Jens Peter Hansen, Psykiatrisk Afdeling Esbjerg
1 February 2016 - 31 January 2019 ( PhD defence took place on 3 May 2023)
Link to PhD thesis book: PhD thesis Anne Marie Møller