DIYPES kick off meeting in Romania
On the 27 – 28 of February, partners from six different countries including Albania, Denmark, Italy, Malta, Romania and Slovakia met for the first time in Cluj-Napoca, Romania for the kick off meeting of the project DIYPES – Do it yourself! A participative approach to increase participation and engagement of high school students in physical education and sport classes.
DIYPES is a 24 months' research project funded under the Erasmus+ Sport programmethat started on January 1st, 2017. The project proposes a participative approach to physical education classes’ development and employment, focused on high-school students’ expressed needs and interests, but also by taking into account physical education and sport (PES) curricula in each partner country as well as the resources (infrastructure, equipment, PE teachers) of the high-schools involved in the project.
During the first day of meeting, partners introduced themselves, presented work packages and activities plan. During the second day of the meeting, partners had the opportunity to discuss the project documents and review methodological drafts;each partner presented the Physical Educational Curriculum in their country and discussed the project implementation aspects.
DIYPES Consortium members, at the Kick-Off Meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania February 27-28, 2017
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