When 13 to 17-year-old students actively participate in the intervention The GOOD Life, they report less alcohol-related harms and they tend to engage in less harmful drinking episodes. We have now completed our 4-year research project at the unit for Health Promotion Research @SDU and have gathered some of our experiences with alcohol prevention and social norms in this Danish booklet.
The project The GOOD Life (in Danish: Det GODE Liv)is based on how social norms influence our risk behaviour and 38 schools in Southern Denmark participated in the project during 2015 og 2016.
The campaign The GOOD Life addresses students aged 13-17 years with positive and realistic messages about risk behaviours. The project informs and involves adolescent in a preventive act around social norms and misperceptions, partly in connection with alcohol consumption and alcohol-related risk behaviours.
The project The GOOD Life is grounded on research on adolescents’ health and well-being, showing:
- That it is common to drink alcohol among Danish youth
- That high alcohol use is associated with less success in learning in school
- That high alcohol use in youth often leads to excessive alcohol use later in life
With the aid of using the campaign the project’s primary aim is:
- To reduce alcohol consumption and other drug use
- Preventing risks associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs
Contact at SDU:
Project manager: Associate Professor, Christiane Stock (cstock@health.sdu.dk)
PhD Student, Lotte Vallentin-Holbech (lvholbech@health.sdu.dk)