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Advisory Board

CMSS receives an annual funding of DKK 4.1 million from the Danish State, and the Centre is bound by a performance contract in relation to this grant. The contract consists of several goals for its work within strategy, research, teaching, and dissemination.

At the same time, CMSS is privileged to have a competent advisory board consisting of six members from the private and public part of the maritime industry. The group also includes the Head of Research at CMSS and the Head of Department at IST.

There are eight members in total, and today the group consists of the following persons:

Klaus Gregersen, Danish Maritime Authority
Neriman Balikci,  Danish Maritime Authority
Søren Pedersen, Oil Gas Denmark
René Andersen, Sea Health and Welfare
Søren Enemark, Danish Shipping
Flemming N. Christensen, The Danish Fishermen’s Occupational Health Services
Lisa L. Froholdt, Head of Research at CMSS
Pernille Tanggaard Andersen, Head of Department at IST

The Advisory Board meets once a year, just before or after the summer holidays, for a presentation of new research results. In continuation of this, a steering group meeting is held, where the year's activities as well as current and upcoming research projects and ideas are deliberated. The strategy plan and the work with the selected research themes for the period are also discussed. In addition to the annual advisory board meeting, the CMSS management also meets with the representatives from the Danish Maritime Authority once a year to evaluate the Centre’s performance contract.

One of the Advisory Board’s most important tasks is to interact with and guide the management of CMSS in relation to the Centre’s vision and strategy as well as to contribute with good advice to the development of its research and collaboration with both the Blue Denmark and the international maritime industry in relation to health and safety.

Last Updated 30.08.2024