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Ilya Kashnitsky

Assistant Professor
The Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics

Phone: +45 60550126

Research interests: Demography, population age structures, spatial variation of demographic processes, unequal ageing, lifespan variation, life expectancy trends, mortality trajectories, data visualization.

Ilya Kashnitsky is an Assistant Professor at the Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics. His research focuses on regional variations in population age structures, their dynamics and the demographic processes shaping them. His research has been published in The LancetPNAS, Nature Hunan Behavior, World Development, Population Studies, International Journal of EpidemiologyDemographic Research, Genus. The earlier focus of his studies was on migration of the youths, published in Cities, Geojournal. His interests include topics relating to demography, population geography, spatial analysis, research evaluation, and data visualization. 

Personal webpage:

Ilya Kashnitsky, CPop SDU