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Danish Centre for Rural Research - CLF

Partnership organization of rural area development

This postgraduate fellowship is concerned with partnership organisation, including more specifically EU initiated LEADER partnerships.

Partnership organization in a LEADER context means that public, private and voluntary parties are allocated funds and decision making power and join together in horizontal partnership, also called Local Action Groups. The purpose of the action groups is to create new development and solve concrete problems related to subjects such as settlement, industrial development, technology development, and nature and environment.

Partnership organization of rural development is an interesting and relevant research area which is quickly gaining ground within European rural development.

The aim of the project is to contribute to theory development about horizontal partnerships in a management perspective and thereby create a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using partnerships for rural development.

The PhD project is cofinanced with the Steering Committee for Nordic Council of Ministers’ Environmental Strategy for Agriculture and Forestry (MJS).

The project started in October 2006 and will be completed in January 2010.

Additional material:

The development or decline of associational life in Denmark?

(Foreningslivet i Danmark: Under udvikling eller afvikling?)
By Bjarne Ibsen, Jørgen Møller, Inge Lise Jæger Sørensen, Annette Aagaard Thuesen, Lars Torpe
IFUL Report 11/2009: Pdf (only in Danish)

Local Action Groups in the rural districts and fishery areas 2008
constellation, activities and cooperation in the start-up phase (Abstract in English)

(Lokale aktionsgrupper i landdistrikter og i fiskeriområder 2008
sammensætning, aktiviteter og samarbejde i opstartsperioden)
By Annette Aagaard Thuesen and Jens Fyhn Lykke Sørensen 
IFUL Report 9/2008: Pdf (only in Danish)      English Summary

LAG-contributions to vitalization of Local Communities in the light of the Danish structural reform. (Abstract in English)

(LAG'ernes bidrag til vitalisering af lokalsamfundene set i lyset af kommunalreformen)
Annette Aagaard Thuesen og Arne Bengt Thomsen.
IFUL Report 5/2008: Pdf (only in Danish)      English Summary

Contact person:
Annette Aagaard Thuesen, postgraduate fellow, or tel. +45 6550 4225.

  • Degnevej 14
  • Esbjerg Ø - DK-6705
  • Phone: +45 6550 4221
  • Fax: +45 6550 1091

Last Updated 17.06.2021