Recent publications
From the SDU Research Portal you will get an easy-to-use entrance to a list of publications from the preceding years. Some of these publications are available on the Internet, while other research publications can be read online via a license. See some of our selected publications below.

Monozygotic Twin Differences in perceived Age
Mikael Thinggaard & Kaare Christensen: Developmental and Fetal Origins of Differences in Monozygotic Twins (Elsevier, 2020)

Icons of Longevity
Lise-Lotte B Petersen & Bernard Jeune: Luxdorph's Eightteenth Century Gallery of Long-Livers (Odense University Press, 2011)

Monographs on Population Aging
SDU : Research Portal

The Association Between Self-reported Physical Activity and Physical Performance: Does Advancing Age Matter?
Jens Elmelund Rise, Linda Juel Ahrenfeldt, Rune Lindahl-Jacobsen & Karen Andersen-Ranberg: Health and Socio-economic Status over the Life Course (De Gruyter, 2019)

Jeanne Calment and her successors. Biographical notes on the longest living humans
Bernard Jeune et al.: Supercentenarians (Springer, 2010)