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Articles and reports

Mænd og kvinder på de danske universiteter - Danmarks Talentbarometer 2019 [Men and women at the Danish Universities – Denmark’s Talent Barometer 2019]. The latest report from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s report (in Danish) with updated overview of men and women employed in the research sector, including the 3rd annual “Talent Barometer”.

Equality, diversity and inclusion at universities: the power of a systemic approach. The League of European Research Universities (LERU)'s advice paper from 2019, focused on the importance of a systemic approach to working with equality and diversity at universities, based on experiences from LERU's member universities across Europe.

In the 2019-report "Wake Up Denmark! Denmark is Forfeiting the Value of Workplace Diversity", the Boston Consulting Group illustrates how Denmark is failing to secure a greater diversity in its workforce - and that a loss of talent, potential and value is the result. The report builds on the consulting company's 2017-report on what roles universities play in securing more diversity: "Universities are Key to Unlocking Diversity in Denmark"

A 2019-report from Equal Measures 2030 presents the ”2019 SDG Gender Index”. The index is the  most all-encompassing tool available to explore the status of gender equality across 129 different countries (including 95% of the world's women and girls).

A 2019-report (in Danish) from the Danish Institute for Human Rights provide a status of human rights and developments in 2017-2019 regarding gender and gender equality: Status over menneskerettighedssituationen på ligebehandlingsområdet 2019

What is the gender dimension in research? En håndbog udviklet af  norske Kilden, et nationalt videnscenter med fokus på kønsperspektiver og kønsprepræsentation i forskning. Håndbogen inkluderer casestudier af hvordan kønsperspektiv kan inkluderes i forskellige forskningsfelter.

What is the gender dimension in research? A handbook developed by the Norwegian Kilden, a national knowledge center for gender perspectives and gender balance in research. It includes case studies of how to include the gender dimension in various academic fields, as well as a useful checklist.

Mænd og kvinder på de danske universiteter - Danmarks Talentbarometer 2018[Men and women at the Danish Universities – Denmark’s Talent Barometer 2018]. Report from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s report (in Danish) with updated overview of men and women employed in the research sector, including the 2nd annual “Talent Barometer”.

Karrierer i forskningen. [Careers in Research]. A report by the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (DFiR) that concludes the council's project on research careers, and includes 6 recommendations on how to improve imbalances in researchers' career paths.

Ligestillingsredegørelser 2017.  [Gender Equality Statements 2017]. This main report (in Danish), developed by Rambøll on behalf of the Danish Minister for Equal Opportunities, compiles the recent gender equality statements from all public institutions, including SDU. The report indicates that SDU "to a significant degree" is working with gender equality as part of its personnel and core policies. 

Implicit Bias in Academia. The League of European Research Universities (LERU)'s advice paper gives an overview of the challenges and problems related to bias, and presents target areas where bias can be adressed, with practical examples from LERU’s universities.

Mænd og kvinder på de danske universiteter - Danmarks Talentbarometer 2017[Men and women at the Danish Universities – Denmark’s Talent Barometer 2017]. The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s report (in Danish) with an overview of men and women employed in the research sector. The report includes a new “Talent Barometer” that provides a visual overview of the state of gender equality at the Danish universities.

Videnskabeligt personales karriereveje [Academic staff's career paths]. Report by Damvad Analytics that contributes to a project by the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (DFiR) focused on career paths, recruitment and advancement processs. The project has publiced  the brief Det er ikke kønt [It is not pretty].

Tal om forskning og innovation 2016 [Numbers on research and innovation 2016]. The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education’s annual statistics report (in Danish) with information on research grants and how these are allocated to men and women.

Køn og forskning i det frie forskningsråd. [Gender and Research in the Independent Research Council]. A report (in Danish) from 2013 focused on relevant and central challenges to gender equality in the research sector.

Gender diversity leads to better science. An opinion paper that illustrates the connection between gender diversity and better research results, an underlines the importance of supportive institutional contexts. 


sexismEDU presents analyses and tools based on the statements regarding unwanted behavior in Danish academia collected during Fall 2020. The page provides a downloadable handbook that introduces an understanding of sexism as a continuum and presents inspiration on how to address it.

Gendering in Research is a network for gender researchers and students with a gender interest, located at Aarhus University. Their website and facebook site are continuously updated with news on calls for papers, funding options, media news etc.

The FESTA-project has developed an online Gender Sensitive PhD-Supervision Toolkit . The  toolkit is useful for both PhD students and their supervisors, and it provides inputs to the entire PhD process from appointment to completion. Website on Unlimited Thinking and Teaching with several relevant resources related to bias in teaching, but also in recruitment, leadership etc. Contains useful think pieces and practical tools.

DANWISE  is the website for the organization Danish Society for Women in Science, and it features news, events etc. European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is a vast resource with e.g. gender equality indexes, information gender mainstreaming, gender equality statistics etc. EIGE has developed a specific toolkit for working with gender equality in academia: GEAR - Gender Equality in Academia and Research". This contains information, suggestions and inspiration on how to develop and implement Gender Equality Plans in the research sector. The Norwegian KIF-committee’s website contains relevant information, reports and latest news on gender equality and diversity. The committee is appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and its focus is on contributing to gender balance and diversity in the research sector. A project anchored at Stanford University and with collaborations with e.g. the European Commission. Focus is on how to analytically and in practice work with sex and gender analysis in order to foster innovation and discovery.

Interested in virtual materials?

The SPEAR-project continuously publishes online sessions on working with equality in academia

Explore the materials!

Last Updated 18.10.2022