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Velkommen til vores to nye kolleger // Welcome to our two new colleagues

Der er netop startet en ny postdoc og en ny adjunkt på instituttet // There is a new postdoc and a new assistant professor at the department.

(In English below) 

Pr. 1. april er José L. Villaverde og Panagiota Kotzamani ansat på Juridisk Institut. 

José kommer fra Spanien og er blevet ansat som adjunkt. Han er cand.jur. og har en master i kommunikation og journalistik fra Santiago Universitet. Han har desuden en ph.d.-grad fra Københavns Universitet, og titlen på hans afhandling er ”Den juridiske stilling for par af samme køn i Spanien og Danmark: En sammenlignende undersøgelse af familieret”.

Josés primære fokus- og interesseområder er familieret, international privatret, komparativ ret, decentrale lande, LGBT-rettigheder samt juridisk uddannelse. Han har tidligere undervist i komparativ familieret og international privatret, og udover forskning og undervisning har José erfaring med EU-bevillings-ledelse og forskningsfinansiering.

På Juridisk Institut vil José blive tilknyttet forskningsgruppen Privatret. Han er blevet tildelt en forskningsbevilling fra Færøernes Forskningsråd og er en af de to projektledere i projektet “Laws and institution-building in the Faroe Islands in the context of the transfer of powers and competences within the Danish Rigsfællesskab. A comparative analysis of challenges, problems and opportunities.” I projektet vil José fokusere på overførsel af kompetencer inden for familieret og på de såkaldte interprovinsielle lovkonflikter.

Panagiota stammer fra Grækenland og er blevet ansat som postdoc. Hun er cand.jur. og fik i 2020 en ph.d. fra University of Sheffield i England. Emnet for hendes afhandling er direktørers individuelle ansvar ved den internationale straffedomstol for internationale forbrydelser begået som led i virksomhedens handlinger. Hun har arbejdet som advokat i Grækenland og desuden undervist på jurauddannelsen på University of Essex i England i folkeret, kriminalret og offentlig ret.

Panagiotas fokusområder dækker bredt inden for bæredygtig udvikling på det folkeretlige område. Mere specifikt forsker hun i emner inden for ikkestatslige aktørers ansvar iht. folkeretten; pålæggelse af individuelt ansvar i den internationale strafferet; menneskerettigheder og miljø; virksomhedsansvar og virksomheders strafferetlige ansvar iht. folkeretten. Hendes  nuværende forskning fokuserer på ansvarsfordeling i folkeretten i forhold til virksomheders ansvar for at forhindre brud på menneskerettighederne og miljømæssige forbrydelser.

Vi byder José og Panagiota velkommen til Juridisk Institut!


José Villaverde

Panagiota Kotzamani


As of 1 April, José L. Villaverde and Panagiota Kotzamani are employees at the Department of Law.

 is from Spain and holds a Master in Law as well as a Master in Communication and Journalism from the University of Santiago. Furthermore, he holds a PhD degree from the University of Copenhagen, and his project is entitled “The legal position of Same-Sex Couples in Spain and Denmark: A Comparative Study of Family Law”. 

His main areas of interest are family law, private international law, comparative law, decentralised states, LGBT rights and legal education. He has previous teaching experience in comparative family law and private international law, and apart from research and teaching, José has experience in EU grant management and research funding.

At the Department of Law, José will be linked to the Private Law Research Group. He has been awarded a grant from the Research Council of the Faroe Islands and is one of the two project managers for the project entitled “Laws and institution-building in the Faroe Islands in the context of the transfer of powers and competences within the Danish Rigsfællesskab. A comparative analysis of challenges, problems and opportunities.” In the project, José will focus on the transference of competences within family law and on the so-called interprovincial conflicts of laws. 

Panagiota is from Greece and has joined the Department of Law as a postdoctoral researcher. She obtained her PhD from the University of Sheffield, UK, in 2020, and her PhD thesis is on the individual criminal responsibility of company directors under the Statute of the International Criminal Court for international crimes committed in the context of corporate activities. Panagiota has worked as a barrister in Greece and taught international law, criminal law and public law at the School of Law of the University of Essex, UK. 

Her research interests fit broadly within the context of sustainable development in international law. More specifically, she explores issues on the responsibility of non-state actors in public international law; international criminal law, and the attribution of criminal responsibility to the individual; human rights and the environment; corporate duties and corporate criminality in international law. Her current research focuses on the attribution of responsibility in international law in relation to corporate duties against human rights law violations and environmental abuses. 

Welcome to the Department of Law, José and Panagiota!

Redaktionen afsluttet: 19.04.2021