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Velkommen til vores to nye internationale kolleger // Welcome to our two new international colleagues

Der er for nyligt startet en ny ph.d.-studerende og en ny postdoc på instituttet // There is a new PhD fellow and a new postdoc at the department

(In English below) 

Pr. 1. maj er Jacqueline Tedaldi og Leonard Feld ansat på Juridisk Institut.

Jacqueline er fra USA, og hun blevet ansat som ph.d.-studerende på instituttets Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice. Hun har en kandidatgrad i International Business and Politics fra CBS (Copenhagen Business School).

Inden sin ansættelse på SDU var Jacqueline konsulent inden for menneskerettigheder, virksomheders menneskerettighedsansvar (Business and Human Rights), social impact management og ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance factors). Her beskæftigede hun sig med finansielle institutioner, energi- og mineselskaber samt projekter inden for vedvarende energi.

Jacquelines tværfaglige ph.d.-projekt vil fokusere på, hvordan man meningsfuldt kan involvere individer eller grupper, som påvirkes af projekter (typisk negativt) ved at efterleve principperne i FN’s Vejledende Principper om virksomheders menneskerettighedsansvar (UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights/UNGPs) ift. at respektere menneskerettighederne og deres normative krav. Desuden vil hun undersøge de finansielle institutioners evne til at gøre deres indflydelse gældende ift. at støtte meaningful engagement, dvs. inddragelse af interessenter på en måde, der er meningsfuld for dem. Dette er et centralt element i virksomheders risikobaserede due diligence efter UNGPs. 

Jacquelines forskningsinteresser omfatter Business and Human Rights, vurdering af samfundsmæssige konsekvenser (social impact assessment), udvindingsprojekter/-sektoren, omstilling til vedvarende energi, transnational ledelse samt bæredygtig udvikling.

der er af tysk nationalitet, er blevet ansat som postdoc på instituttets Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice. Hans forskningsprojekt på centret undersøger EU-retten ift. bæredygtig finansiering, især EU-taksonomien i lyset af EU’s tiltag ift. klimaforandringer.

Hans ekspertiseområder er erhvervsret, både international og inden for EU. Leonard er især interesseret i de internationale strukturer inden for ansvarlig virksomhedsledelse og -reguleringer ift. samfundsansvar og due diligence hvad angår menneskerettigheder.

Velkommen til Juridisk Institut, Jacqueline og Leonard!

Jacqueline Tedaldi

Leonard Feld


As of 1 May, Jacqueline Tedaldi and Leonard Feld are employees at the Department of Law.

Jacqueline is from the USA, and she is a PhD fellow at the Department of Law within the Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice. She has an MSc in International Business and Politics from Copenhagen Business School.

Prior to SDU, Jacqueline was a consultant in the areas of human rights, business and human rights, social impact management and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance factors). She worked in energy, including renewable energy projects as well as mining and financial institutions. 

Jacqueline's interdisciplinary PhD project will focus on how to meaningfully involve project-affected people using human rights principles in following the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights’ corporate responsibility to respect human rights’ normative framework. She will also examine the role of financial institutions in exercising leverage to support meaningful engagement. 

Her research interests include business and human rights, social impact assessment, extractives, renewable energy transition, transnational governance and sustainable development. 
Leonard, who is German, is a postdoc at the Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice. His research project at CLS&J examines EU law on sustainable finance, in particular the EU Taxonomy Regulation, in view of the EU’s action on climate change. 

His general area of expertise is international and EU economic law. He is specifically interested in international frameworks on responsible business conduct and business regulation on corporate sustainability and human rights due diligence.

Welcome to the Department of Law, Jacqueline and Leonard!

Redaktionen afsluttet: 16.06.2022