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Ph.d.-stipendiater søges // We are hiring PhD fellows

Vi søger ph.d.-stipendiater, der ønsker at forske inden for en eller flere af de juridiske grunddiscipliner eller i spændingsfeltet mellem økonomi og jura // We are hiring PhD fellows seeking to do research within one or several of the fundamental areas of law or in the cross field between law and economics.

(In English below)

Ved Juridisk Institut vil et antal ph.d.-stipendier i jura med tjenestested i Odense være ledige til besættelse pr. 1. januar 2022 eller snarest derefter.

Ansøgerens ph.d.-projekt skal ligge inden for en eller flere af de juridiske grunddiscipliner eller i spændingsfeltet mellem økonomi og jura. Projektet skal understøtte forskningen i en (eller flere) af instituttets fire forskningsgrupper og skal være relevant for den aftagergruppe, som instituttet uddanner til. Ansøgeren fastlægger dog selv det nærmere indhold af projektet.

Læs det fulde stillingsopslag her.


At the Department of Law, a number of PhD fellowships will be available as of 1 January 2022 or by further agreement. The place of work is at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

The applicant’s PhD project must be within one or several of the fundamental areas of law or in the cross field between law and economics. The project must contribute to the research within one (or several) of the institute’s four research groups and must be relevant to the future employers of our students. However, the applicant determines the specific content of the project.

Read the job advertisement here.

Redaktionen afsluttet: 18.08.2021