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SDU logo 50års jubilæum


National konference


Mandag d. 23. - tirsdag d. 24. august 2021 inviteres der til en national idrætskonference med specielt fokus på den humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige idrætsforskning.

Konferencen afholdes i anledning af Institut for Idræt og Biomekaniks 50-års jubilæum.


På konferencen får du:

  • Mulighed for at bidrage til paneldebatter, hvor flere højtprofilerede forskere og samfundsdebattører diskuterer udvalgte tematikker centrale for idræts- og sundhedsforskning.
  • Indsigt i nyeste områder indenfor humanistisk og samfundsvidenskabelig idrætsforskning.
  • Mulighed for at lytte til, dele og diskutere forskning, som relaterer sig til både samfunds-aktuelle og grundvidenskabelige spørgsmål indenfor idræt og sundhed. 


Konferencen er målrettet forskere, phd- og kandidatstuderende indenfor de idræts og sundhedsvidenskabelige områder.

For mere information og tilmelding klik her.

International Conference


This year, the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics are celebrating their 50th anniversary. On this occation Center for Muscle and Joint Health will be hosting an international seminar Monday the 23rd of August 2021.


The paradigm on prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, pain and function has changed dramatically in the last decade.
This seminar will pinpoint the milestones that have been reached regarding evidence of the important role of exercise and physical activity for muscle and joint health.

We have invited world leading researchers to share their visions on a modern and improved approach to maintenance of healthy muscles and joints. 

Target group
The target audience for the seminar will be researchers and practitioners interested in the field of musculoskeletal health.

For more information and registration, please visit the conference website.



National konference


Mandag d. 23. - tirsdag d. 24. august 2021 inviteres der til en national idrætskonference med specielt fokus på den humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige idrætsforskning.

Konferencen afholdes i anledning af Institut for Idræt og Biomekaniks 50-års jubilæum.


På konferencen får du:

  • Mulighed for at bidrage til paneldebatter, hvor flere højtprofilerede forskere og samfundsdebattører diskuterer udvalgte tematikker centrale for idræts- og sundhedsforskning.
  • Indsigt i nyeste områder indenfor humanistisk og samfundsvidenskabelig idrætsforskning.
  • Mulighed for at lytte til, dele og diskutere forskning, som relaterer sig til både samfunds-aktuelle og grundvidenskabelige spørgsmål indenfor idræt og sundhed. 


Konferencen er målrettet forskere, phd- og kandidatstuderende indenfor de idræts og sundhedsvidenskabelige områder.

For mere information og tilmelding klik her.


International Conference

It will be held Wednesday, August 25th, 2021, on the occasion of the 50-years anniversary of the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark.

At the conference you will get insights into different aspects of children and young people's physical activity and its relation to health. 

You will get a scratch of history, updates and future perspectives from top researchers such as

  • Professor Craig Williams, University of Exeter
  • Professors Grethe Mykleburst and Ulf Ekelund, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
  • Programme Leader, Dr. Søren Brage, University of Cambridge 
  • Professors Anders Grøntved, Peter Krustrup and Niels Wedderkopp, University of Southern Denmark 

Among other things they will cover

  • research behind the recommendations for physical activity for children and youth
  • why and which approaches seem to work particularly well when it comes to physical activity for health - impact of screen time
  • how good are we in measuring physical activity and sedentary time?
  • what do we know and what do we do in relation to injury prevention? 

Poster sessions are offered for researchers to present their newest research in the area of children and youngster’s physical activity and health


The international conference is targeted researchers and health professionals as well as decision makers working with children and young people.

For more information and registration, please visit the conference website.



International Summit

When and where?

Thursday the 26th August 2021 you are invited to the Nordic Sports Innovation Summit – Industry Trends and Latest Research.

The summit is to be held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Department of Sport and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark and is co-organised by Sports Lab Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark.

Summit content

The aim is to share the newest sports and health-related knowledge and trends and encourage and empower entrepreneurs, students, researchers and corporates to take a common approach to their innovation projects.

Sports innovation and the sports industry at large have evolved rapidly over the last decade and Nordic countries, who have a history of innovation and a tradition of being physically active, are a strong contributor. Over the recent years, we have seen many small companies being established in the sports, performance, health, and physical activity domains and increasing investments are being made in this fast-growing sector with huge potential.

Research and higher education in sports innovation have proven themselves in the fields of outdoor facilities, digitally augmented movement, social services, interaction design, game concepts, and many artefacts promoting adapted physical activity.

As industry and research are becoming increasingly interdependent drivers of an ambitious and healthy development of innovation in sports, we offer this unique opportunity of getting together to shape the future of sports innovation.

Take-aways from the summit will be:

  • The latest trends and innovations from inside the sports industry
  • Presentations of new ideas utilizing cutting-edge research-based knowledge
  • Networking between trendsetters, influencers and the most innovative researchers and entrepreneurs in the field of sports.

Who is it for?

The summit brings together established and start-up companies and other representatives from the sports and football industries with sports science researchers and students.

How do I register?

For more information and registration, please visit the conference website.

Åbent hus


Torsdag d. 26. august 2021 fra 09.00 – 13.00 inviterer Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik til en dag med fokus aktivitetsudvikling og bevægelse i praksis for ungdomsuddannelser og højskolegrupper i anledningen af instituttets 50-års jubilæum.


Dagens program giver mulighed for at deltage i to valgfrie workshops indenfor forskellige genrer af idrætten. 

I løbet af dagen vil deltagerne bl.a. opleve og inspireres til:

  • Praksisnær kobling mellem teori og aktivitet 
  • Hvorfor og hvordan man arbejder med aktivitetsudvikling 
  • Hvordan man kan arbejde med karrierekompetencer i idrætsfaget


Dagens aktivitetsprogram henvender sig til ungdomsuddannelser og højskoler, der har interesse i, hvordan forskning i idræt forplanter sig i aktiviteter praksis. 
Sæt allerede nu kryds i kalenderen d. 26. august og hold øje med sidste nyt her.

Du vil snart få mere information om program og tilmelding.





Fredag d. 27. august 2021 kl 14 – 16.30 afholdes jubilæumsarrangement for instituttets samarbejdspartnere samt nuværende og tidligere medarbejdere

Jubilæumsarrangementet afholdes i anledning af Institut for Idræt og Biomekaniks 50-års jubilæum.


Jubilæumsarrangementet  vil være den formelle fejring af instituttets 50 års jubilæum, hvor eksterne og interne samarbejdspartnere samt nuværende og tidligere kolleger inviteres til at fejre begivenheden. Ved arrangementet vil jubilæumsbogen, der beskriver instituttets første 50 år blive præsenteret sammen med formelle og uformelle højdepunkter i instituttets historie. Arrangementet afsluttes med en jubilæumsreception.


Eksterne og interne samarbejdspartnere, nuværende og tidligere kolleger.

For mere information og tilmelding klik her.

Ugen afsluttes med alumnedyst på campus efterfulgt af fest afholdt i Odense Congress Center.

Mere information og tilmelding.

Sidst opdateret: 24.08.2021