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Organizing assurance of learning

Educational management is complex, and the responsibility for success is collective. Therefore, organisation, roles, and functions, will only produce satisfying results related to assurance of learning when working together towards a common goal. 

The Faculty’s educational programmes will have optimal conditions in the interplay between strategies and visions (at university, faculty, campus, and department level) and the specific organisation, implementation and quality assurance of the educational programmes.  

In general, the following principles apply: 

  • Responsibility for the strategic development of the programme portfolios is placed in the line management from (the Board to) the Rector to the Dean/Vice-Deans to the Head of Departments. 
  • The Head of Studies is appointed by the Dean/Vice-Dean for Education to handle the practical implementation, assurance of learning and coordination of the educational programmes and teaching. 
  • The Study Boards have decision-making authority within their own areas of responsibility. The Management at the Departments involves the Study Boards in the assurance of learning of the educational programmes and teaching.  
  • In some educational programmes, profiles or study tracks, faculty can be appointed as having special responsibilities and assist the Head of Studies with the specific coordination and implementation of the individual educational programme, profile, or study track.   
  • Persons responsible for courses are responsible for lesson planning, assurance of learning and coordination of the individual courses in the programmes.  
  • Lecturers deliver teaching and assurance of learning in their day-to-day teaching. 
  • Prospective employers are continuously involved in assurance of learning and development of the programmes.

Last Updated 22.09.2023