IRS Esbjerg og Grindsted Sygehus Morten Lee Halling - 17. januar 2025 - ph.d.-forsvar
"The contact system and ulcerative colitis"
Date and time:
17-01-2025 at 14:00
Auditoriet, Bygning D, stueetagen
Esbjerg hospital
Finsensgade 35
6700 Esbjerg
Committee of Examiners:
Professor Johannes Antonius Lisman
Experimental Surgery, Surgical Research Laboratory, Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands
Associate Professor Jacob Wium Bjerrum
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Professor Jonna Skov Madsen (chair)
Department of Regional Health Research – Lillebælt Hospital, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Main supervisor:
Clinical Professor Torben Knudsen
Department of Regional Health Research, University of Southern Denmark