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UNESCO Chair on Urban Resilience (SDU.Resilience)


The UNESCO Chair on Urban Resilience (SDU.Resilience) is a research group within the Section of Civil and Architectural Engineering, department of Innovation and Technology, at the University of Southern Denmark. SDU.Resilience develops transdisciplinary research, education and knowledge transfer activities on urban resilience in Denmark and at international level.

SDU.Resilience’s activities focus on urban resilient transition, systemically integrating disaster risk reduction, development and climate change, both mitigation and adaptation, in urban areas. SDU.Resilience’s activities contribute to the implementation of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, the New Urban Agenda, and the Sendai Action Framework for Risk Reduction.

SDU.Resilience aims at developing research to inform policymaking at national and international level and to support science-based urban planning and design for local action, both in the Global North and South.


Last Updated 27.07.2024