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Preapproved courses

The PhD Committee at the Faculty of Science has preapproved a number of courses. Preapproval means that you do not  need to apply the PhD Committee for approval. When you have passed the course, please send the diploma to the PhD secretary and the course will be registrered as part of your PhD programme of approx. 30 ECTS.

The courses are:

The same rules apply if you are an Industrial PhD student, with one exemption: The Industrial PhD course organised by Innovation Fund Denmark is compulsory. Participation in the course is included in your working hours and amounts to 5 ECTS. You will be invited to the course during the first year of the programme.

Read more about the compulsory Industrial PhD course.

For courses offered by other Danish universities, please consult

For courses offered by GlobalDenmark, please consult If you wish to register for courses from GlobalDenmark, you must have approved funding from your department in advance.

Last Updated 01.09.2023