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Become a specialist in musculoskeletal diseases.

Do you want to help people with pain and disorders in the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints and muscles)? Are you passionate about solving complex medical case histories, being part of a large team of therapists and performing practical manual skills? Then Clinical Biomechanics is the programme for you.

Clinical Biomechanics (chiropractor) links the biological, biomechanical and psychological knowledge with the diseases that afflict people with pain and problems in joints, muscles and bones.

In the programme in Clinical Biomechanics (chiropractor), you acquire the scientific basis that is a prerequisite for you to be able to work as a chiropractor later. You learn to seek out new knowledge, be critical analytical of this knowledge and apply it in the real world.

In the programme, you will also train in and practice skills that will develop you professionally as a chiropractor. As a chiropractor, you will learn to be able to prevent, examine, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal diseases and disorders using the latest knowledge and technological advances. You can also choose to get your own clinic and treat patients under the public health insurance scheme. In addition, you can also specialise in the hospital services, become a researcher or teach – see the section on career opportunities.

If you want to become a chiropractor, you can continue your studies in the Master’s degree programme in Clinical Biomechanics.


Why study Clinical Biomechanics?

  • The education programme gives you a broad introduction to the prevention, examination, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. So, there are many career opportunities!
  • During the study programme, you will be trained in practical skills as you will have the opportunity to get an internship at back outpatient clinics, hospitals and in a chiropractic practice, where you will meet patients.
  • Your knowledge from the study programme will be linked to the everyday life of a chiropractor in skills laboratories and in clinic internships, which will prepare you for life as a chiropractor.