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Future Challenges in the Nordics

Bevillingshaver: Nikolaj Elf
Periode: 2021-2025

The project Nordic Basic Schools as Past, Present and Future Sites for Solving the Challenges of Making Diverse Inclusive Knowledge-Based Societies studies how the basic school as a physical location has contributed to social togetherness, inclusion and exclusion from the 1970s until today. The emphasis is especially on how material changes and digitalisation have influenced and changed the social coexistence at school in the Nordic countries. Researchers from Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway are participating in the project and they represent the areas of education, history and applied linguistics. The project, which was granted 900,000 euros for four years, is taking place at Åbo Akademi and is led by Fritjof Sahlström, Professor in Education. From University of Southern Denmark professor Nikolaj Elf (IKV) and associate professor Jens Jørgen Hansen participate (IDK).
