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Kalender med kommende arrangementer på

Institut for Matematik og Datalogi

Fioniavej 34, Odense M


15:00 - 16:00

Quantum & Crémant: Exploring the mysteries of metalloenzymes in mushrooms with quantum chemistry

23 apr

Speaker: Erik Donovan Hedegård Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy University of Southern Denmark Abstract: Transition metals in biological systems pose a formidable challenge in modern quantum chemistry. Unfortunately, these metals are close to everywhere in biological systems. For instance, about one-third of all enzymes contain a transition metal. The main issues when dealing with transition metals are (i) the metal typically demands so-called complete active space (CAS) methods with billions of electron configurations included. This quickly becomes computationally costly. (ii) Relativistic effects can be sizable. Addressing these effects also becomes computationally demanding. (iii) The relevant chemistry usually occurs in a surrounding solvent or within a protein environment that also needs to be taken into account, both in terms of the nuclear dynamics as well as the electronic interactions between the metal and the environment. In this talk, we demonstrate how challenges (i)–(iii) can be tackled efficiently and accurately. We discuss how this allows us to understand a part of the global carbon cycle, enzymes that can boost the production of biofuel, and new drugs against cancer. Location: D-IAS Aud. (V24-501a-0), Danish Institute for Advanced Study - DIAS. The event is open to all.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


13:00 - 15:00

FNUG Foundations

24 apr

Diskussion af anden halvdel af bogen: "Kompetence: Hvad, hvorfor, hvordan" af Knus Illeris.Alle er velkomne. Det er obligatorisk og en forudsætning at have læst teksten for at deltage.FNUG Foundations består i foråret 2024 af to forskningsseminarer, hvor vi den 22. marts har drøftet første halvdel af Knud Illeris' bog.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


15:00 - 16:00

QM Introductory Seminar: Supermanifolds, Super Riemann surface, and supermoduli space

24 apr

Speaker: Nadia Ott (University of Southern Denmark) Abstract: I will give an introductory talk on supermanifolds, super Riemann surfaces, and supermoduli space, starting with the definitions of these objects. I will then introduce a current area of research in supergeometry, super period matrices, and state two famous results in the field: Donagi and Witten’s proof that supermoduli space is not split for genus g ≥ 5, and D’Hoker and Phong’s calculation of the genus g = 2 superstring amplitude.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


15:00 - 16:00

QM Research Seminar: Periods on super Riemann surfaces

25 apr

Speaker: Nadia Ott (University of Southern Denmark) Abstract: D’Hoker and Phong’s calculation of the genus g = 2 superstring amplitude uses, in a crucial way, a projection from genus g = 2 supermoduli space to its underlying reduced space. They define this projection using a formula for the genus g = 2 super period matrix. Witten generalized their formula for the super period matrix to higher genus g and found that the super period matrix may develop a pole along a particular divisor in supermoduli space if g ≥ 11. This divisor is commonly called the bad divisor. Witten also considered super period matrices on super Riemann surfaces with a nonzero number of Ramond punctures (note: the word puncture is a bit of a misnomer). He found that in the presence of Ramond punctures, a closed one form has, in addition to the usual 2g ”even” periods (defined by integrals over one cycle in homology), 2r fermionic periods. The fermionic periods of one form w are certain constants appearing in the restriction of w to the Ramond divisor. In joint work with Ron Donagi, we identify the 2r fermionic periods of w with the residues of a particular global section of the twisted spin structure on the underlying curve. As in the unpunctured case, the super period matrix with Ramond punctures may develop a singularities as we vary over supermoduli space. Using this identification of the fermionic periods in terms of residues, we explicitly describe this bad locus in supermoduli space.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


14:00 - 15:00

QM Research Seminar: Supermoduli Space with Ramond punctures is not projected

26 apr

Speaker: Ron Donagi (University of Pennsylvania) Abstract: ​After a brief review of the background on super geometry and of Super Riemann surfaces and their punctures, I will discuss the proof (with Witten) that the supermoduli space of super Riemann surfaces is not projected for g ≥5, and the more recent proof, with Ott, that the supermoduli space Mg,0,2r of super Riemann Surfaces with Ramond punctures is also not projected, for all g≥5r+1 and r≥6.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


09:00 - 12:00

Ph.d.-forsvar @IMADA: Johannes T. Hadsund

29 apr

Johannes T. Hadsund forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling ved et offentligt foredrag: Deep Learning in Immunoinformatics. Lektor Veit Schwämmle vil være ordstyrer ved arrangementet. Ph.d.-forsvaret finder sted i IMADA’s Konferencerum (Ø18-509-2)

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13:00 - 15:00

NiSE-webinar om kreativitet og praksisfaglig naturfagsundervisning

7 maj

Oplæg ved  Martin Krabbe Sillasen:  Hvad er praksisfaglighed i naturfagene? Julie Borup Jensen:  Kritisk-kreative aspekter af praksisfaglig undervisning og læring  Til NiSE webinarer mødes danske naturfagsdidaktikere og udvikler videre på den naturfagsdidaktiske videnøkologi.  Det handler om, at alle både får viden og giver viden og erfaringer inden for pædagogisk og videnskabeligt arbejder med naturfagsdidaktikken.  Mødet er online, og alle er velkomne.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


13:00 - 16:00

FNUG Forskningsseminar

8 maj

På dette seminar får vi besøg af Emeritus matematiker Keith Devlin, adjungeret professor på IMADA Efter hans præsentation er der postersession ved FNUGs studerende Programmet opdateres. Alle er velkomne.På FNUG Forskningsseminarer mødes forskere og studerende om videndeling og udvikling af forskning inden for temaerne fagdidaktik, forskningsperspektiver på undervisningsudvikling på videregående uddannelsesniveau, STEM uddannelse, videnskabskommunikation, læremidler, professionsudvikling og uddannelsesinnovation.

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Fioniavej 34, Odense M


15:00 - 16:00

Quantum & Crémant: TBA

14 maj

Speaker: Manuel Meyer Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy University of Southern Denmark Abstract: TBA Location: D-IAS Aud. (V24-501a-0), Danish Institute for Advanced Study - DIAS. The event is open to all.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


16:00 - 18:00

Pizzamøde på IMADA – informationsmøde om efterårets valgfrie kurser

14 maj

🎓 Er du klar til efterårets valgfrie kurser? Tag med til Pizzamødet på IMADA og få alle detaljer! 🍕 GRATIS PIZZA OG SODAVAND! 🥤 Tilmelding ikke nødvendig, men ønsker du en pizza og forfriskning, skal du tilmelde dig på: #IMADAPizza #ValgfrieKurser #PizzaMøde2024

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


15:15 - 16:00


17 maj

Kom og vær med til 2 x 20 min. inspirerende foredrag, mens du nyder en gratis "afslappet after-work" øl med dine medstuderende, kollega eller lærer. Oplægsholderne meldes ud ASAP, men sæt allerede nu kryds i kalenderen!

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Campusvej 55, Odense M

27.05.2024 08:00

31.05.2024 18:00

EuroVis 2024: Where Words Fail, Visualization Speaks

27 maj

Deltag i EuroVis 2024-konferencen Where Words Fail, Visualization Speaks, og udforsk datavisualiseringens verden og samarbejd med eksperter inden for dette spændende felt. Gå ikke glip af denne mulighed for at udvide din viden og dine forbindelser inden for visualiseringsverdenen! Læs mere her:

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13:00 - 15:00

NiSE webinar ved NAFA og FNUG

11 jun

På dette webinar fortæller Roberto Capone, Department of Mathematics, University of Bari, om: Teaching STEAM in the XXI century: the role of interdisciplinarity from a theoretical and practical point of viewLektor, Peer Daugbjerg, ph.d, cand. scient., leder af Forskningsprogram for matematik- og naturfagsdidaktik, VIA University College, fortæller omScience teacher educators career narratives and life histories.Mødet er online, og alle er velkomne.

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Campusvej 55, Odense M


14:00 - 18:00

Studieårsafslutning @IMADA – for alle studerende og medarbejdere

14 jun

Vi sætter punktum for studieåret på IMADA med jordbærkage, vin, vand, øl, snacks og masser af godt sommerhumør 😃! Læs mere på Facebook.

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Fjordvej 154, Kolding

24.06.2024 09:00

28.06.2024 15:00

MAPSP 2024 – workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems

24 jun

Explore planning and scheduling solutions at MAPSP 2024 in Kolding, Denmark. Join us for insightful discussions on theoretical and practical aspects!

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Tilmeldingsfrist: 01.11.2024

Campusvej 55, Odense M


09:30 - 15:00

TAL2024 - Conference on Teaching for Active Learning

7 nov

Dette års særlige fokus: Vejledning

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Tilmeldingsfrist: 01.11.2024

Campusvej 55, Odense M


09:30 - 15:00

TAL2024 - Conference on Teaching for Active Learning

7 nov

Dette års særlige fokus: Vejledning

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Institut for Matematik og Datalogi

  • Campusvej 55
  • Odense M - DK-5230
  • Telefon: +45 6550 2387

Sidst opdateret: 15.06.2022